
Our Mission

This publication develops the use of applied history toward political economy. Economists, historians, and policy experts share examples of figures, organizations, and schools of thought from the past that can inspire new ideas today.

Our writers are focused on the practice of political economy in the United States, but can look beyond to other nations. Practitioners of the American System from both Left and Right are being reexamined for their insight and achievements.

The project is supported by the Common Good Economics Grant Program. Essays have been featured by prominent publications and institutions, such as The American Conservative, American Enterprise Institute, Coalition for a Prosperous America, and Institute for Family Studies.

Our Vision

There are three key aspirations that guide the vision for economic renewal contained within this publication.

First, America should rebuild its industrial base.

Second, America should restore its national infrastructure.

Third, America should protect its workers and consumers.

You can read the full introductory essay here.

The Editor

The editor of The American System is David A. Cowan. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in history at the University of Cambridge and a former staffer and researcher in the UK Parliament. He has been published at American Affairs, The American Conservative, Engelsberg Ideas, Fusion, and National Review.

Subscribe to The American System

Applying lessons from the history of political economy to the problems of today. Supported by the Common Good Economics Grant Program.


PhD Candidate in history at the University of Cambridge.